(We All Love Local Systems and DefOrmations Of Representations Seminar)
In this seminar, we (students of Stefan Patrikis) give talks on papers we read and topics we want to learn.
It is the spiritual successor of the PANTS Seminar.
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Spring 2025
Regular meetings will occur Tuesday 12:15 in MW154.
Mehmet Başaran: Chevalley groups and their centers
February 25
Jake Huryn: G-companions and Drinfeld's theorem on the pro-semisimple completion
February 11, February 18
Stefan Nikoloski: Forcing ramification when deforming Galois representations
January 14, January 21, January 28
Autumn 2024
Jake Huryn: Torsion of Abelian varieties over large fields of algebraic numbers
December 4, December 11
Yifei Zhang: Spreading out certain rigid local systems
November 15, November 22
Min Shi: On the geometric origin of certain rigid integral local systems
October 25, November 1, November 8
Mehmet Başaran: Bala–Carter theory
October 4, October 18
Stefan Nikoloski: Generic fibers of deformation rings
September 20, September 27
Spring 2024
Mehmet Başaran: Practice presentation of candidacy proposal
April 22
Jake Huryn: Practice presentation of candidacy proposal
April 1
Min Shi: Existence of quotients of affine algebraic groups
March 18, March 20, March 25
Luke Wiljanen: De Jong's conjecture and applications to deformation theory
February 28, March 8
Stefan Nikoloski: Chevalley's theorem on parabolic subgroups
February 19, February 21
Yifei Zhang: Affine algebraic groups are linear
with a reading of A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe
February 5, February 7
Mehmet Başaran: Computing the root systems of classical groups
January 24
Jake Huryn: Introduction to algebraic groups; detailed study of tori
January 15, January 17
Summer 2023
Stefan Nikoloski: Shafarevich's theorem
August 9, August 16
Min Shi: Two proofs of Tate's theorem
August 2
Yifei Zhang: The Weil conjectures
July 26, July 31
Jake Huryn: Étale companions over finite fields and Drinfeld's theorem
July 19, July 24
Min Shi: On Kuga–Satake constructions
July 12
Stefan Nikoloski: Ramakrishna's method of lifting residual representations
July 5, July 17
Luke Wiljanen: Local class field theory: a tale of two-cocycles
June 21, June 28, July 3, July 17
Mehmet Başaran: Opening the door to computing local deformation rings
June 21, July 3
Jake Huryn: Introduction to étale local systems and companions
June 8, June 28